Links for 2008-02-06 []

Links for 2008-02-06 []

LInks for 2008-02-06 []
  • The Death of High Fidelity : Rolling Stone
  • Concurso de fotografía: Qué es Fototalentos
    Si te gusta la fotografía, quieres ver tu obra expuesta y ganar 3.000 euros o una cámara de fotos digital, la Fundación Banco Santander te da la oportunidad de demostrar tu talento. ¡Sigue leyendo!

  • Technology Review: A New Perspective on Search Results
    Google is experimenting with different ways to serve up search results. But will any of them stick?


- Jornais Compram Palavras Do Google
Os jornais britânicos estão utilizando o Google como ferramenta de marketing. Diários como o Daily Telegraph, Times of London e o The Sun, pagam ao site de busca e sempre que um usuário procura as palavras-chave "compradas", aparece o link para os...

- Links For 2007-04-09 []
Technology Review: Better, More Accurate Image Search By modifying a common type of machine-learning technique, researchers have found a better way to identify pictures. The Great Seduction: Cult of the Amateur My book now not only has a title and subtitle,...

- Links For 2006-12-25 []
Links for 2006-12-25 [] Communications - The next decade A collection of essays prepared for the UK Office of Communications ...

- Links For 2006-11-30 []
Links for 2006-11-30 [] Observatório da Imprensa - Quem financia a mídia privada? - Tecnología - Google, más cerca de dominar el negocio de la publicidad Con el 25% de los ingresos publicitarios de Internet, el buscador prueba...

- Links For 2006-11-29 []
Links for 2006-11-29 [] Atlas: Login ...

