Links for 2007-04-09 []

Links for 2007-04-09 []

  • Technology Review: Better, More Accurate Image Search
    By modifying a common type of machine-learning technique, researchers have found a better way to identify pictures.
  • The Great Seduction: Cult of the Amateur
    My book now not only has a title and subtitle, but also a cover. It will be called THE CULT OF THE AMATEUR: How Blogs, Wikis, Social Networking, and the Digital World are Assaulting our Economy, Culture and Values.


- Links For 2008-02-06 []
LInks for 2008-02-06 [] The Death of High Fidelity : Rolling Stone Concurso de fotografía: Qué es Fototalentos Si te gusta la fotografía, quieres ver tu obra expuesta y ganar 3.000 euros o una cámara de fotos digital, la Fundación...

- Links For 2007-10-17 []
  meio&mensagem - Abril cria site para mães e bebês Endereço é o primeiro a ser lançado sem a vinculação a um dos títulos de revista da editora Technology Review: Google Earth How Google maps the world. ...

- Links For 2007-10-11 []
Mobile Active 2007 Conference - Home Page MobileActive07 convenes people from all over the world using mobile phones in their social change work. MobileActive07 is held at MobileFest, the world's foremost mobile art and culture festival. MobileFest...

- Links For 2007-01-30 []
Social Interactive Television - Workshop EuroITV 2007 In this half day workshop on social interactive television, researchers and practitioners will discuss issues related to different aspects of social television, such as social television program...

- Links For 2006-12-02 []
Links for 2006-12-02 [] Like Visual Search - Find things by Appearance with our new Likeness technology Busca e compara modelos de produtos por sua aparência. Permite pesquisar por preço, formato, cor... eCuaderno 3.0: Wikis y Wikipedia...

