Programa Goldsmiths abre vagas para projetos de pesquisa

Programa Goldsmiths abre vagas para projetos de pesquisa

The Goldsmiths Media Research Programme is currently offering two full-time, three-year studentships for MPhil/PhDs in the Department of Media and Communications. These are associated with projects 4 and 5 of the Programme respectively and will start in September 2008.

The closing date for applications is April 28.

Please see for more details.

Guinevere Narraway - Research Administrator - Goldsmiths Media Research Programme: Spaces, Connections, Control (Funded by the Leverhulme Trust)
Department of Media and Communications - Goldsmiths College - University of London
New Cross - London SE14 6NW - tel: +44 (0)20 7919 7893


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